Case solution/domestic manufacturer VMI supply model

Domestic suppliers

Factory purchasing

VMI warehouse

Factory plan

Factory produced

Purchase order

  • Supplier accepts order
  • VMI warehouse accepts forecasts
  • Prepare for receipt

Supplier delivery

  • Delivery to order
  • Perform VMI replenishment according to the set upper and lower inventory limits

VMI warehouse receipt

  • Receive as ordered
  • Notify QC for inspection after storage
  • Generate qualified product inventory
  • Feedback on stock status

Production planning and ordering

  • Place orders to VMI warehouse according to production needs

Shipment from VMI warehouse

  • Accept order allocation
  • Stocking packaging
  • Delivery based on delivery point
  • If the safety stock is lower than the safety stock, notify the manufacturer to replenish the stock.

Production receipt

  • Acceptance order quantity
  • Complete property rights handover

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Keywords: Bestline Logistics Changzhou Logistics Changzhou Freight Forwarder International Logistics Wujin bonded area JIANGSU BESTLINECN MODERN LOGISTICS CO., LTD. |   Copyrights reserved JIANGSU BESTLINECN MODERN LOGISTICS CO., LTD.  Technical Support:中国丙纶网